President - Trudy Moore-Harrison
Co-Vice Presidents - Jenny Hiatt and Siobhan Koch
Secretary - Dorothy Gooding
Treasurer - Danielle Gerald
Member at Large - Lawanda Brown-Miller
Member at Large - Elise Berman
Member at Large - Jess Barkanic
Communications - Megan Van Fleet
Fundraising & Community Liaison - Siobhan Koch
Gardening - Chris O'Brien
HMM PTA Enrichment Program - Kim Perez
Parent Education Coordinator - Dorothy M. Gooding
Spirit Wear - Jenny Hiatt
Advocacy - Emily Hartner & Lauren Kendall
Sustainability - Jonelle Thomas
Special Events - Allison H
Clothes Closet - Lawanda Brown-Miller
Room Parent Liaisons - Mary Roland & Lenee Lassiter
"Staffulty" Appreciation - Allison Modafferi Brewster
Montessori Parent Advocacy Group (MPAG) Representative - Stephanie Roberson & Lauren Kendall
JT Williams Liaison - Margaret Maurice
Co-Vice Presidents - Jenny Hiatt and Siobhan Koch
Secretary - Dorothy Gooding
Treasurer - Danielle Gerald
Member at Large - Lawanda Brown-Miller
Member at Large - Elise Berman
Member at Large - Jess Barkanic
Communications - Megan Van Fleet
Fundraising & Community Liaison - Siobhan Koch
Gardening - Chris O'Brien
HMM PTA Enrichment Program - Kim Perez
Parent Education Coordinator - Dorothy M. Gooding
Spirit Wear - Jenny Hiatt
Advocacy - Emily Hartner & Lauren Kendall
Sustainability - Jonelle Thomas
Special Events - Allison H
Clothes Closet - Lawanda Brown-Miller
Room Parent Liaisons - Mary Roland & Lenee Lassiter
"Staffulty" Appreciation - Allison Modafferi Brewster
Montessori Parent Advocacy Group (MPAG) Representative - Stephanie Roberson & Lauren Kendall
JT Williams Liaison - Margaret Maurice