November 22, 2015
The hustle and bustle of the holidays has snuck up on us. School breaks, family and friends, and holiday busyness are starting. In our family we take the time to reflect....What are we thankful for? What are some things we want to improve on in the coming year? What can we do for others in our day to day lives? What are some of the things you do for the holidays? Tune into facebook and post...who knows...maybe your family will find a new tradition!
Great job to all HMM students and families for their participation in the annual fundraiser! Because we have exceeded our goal, all students will be able to enjoy a school wide pajama day on November 24th! GREAT JOB!!!!
The HMM JumpJam Spirit Night is this Tuesday, 11/24 from 6-7pm at DefyGravity Charlotte. Pre-purchased tickets were sent home last week. If you paid for tickets and have not yet received them, please email [email protected]ASAP. Reminder: no tickets will be sold at the door. We'll see you there!
December 7-11th at HMM. Come out and get some holiday shopping done! Volunteers needed! contact[email protected] if you are available any time!
The HMM holiday performance is December 10, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. Students need to arrive no later than 6:15 p.m. and report to their teacher's classroom. If students are getting make-up that night, they should start arriving around 5:30 p.m. Costume information is in the announcement. Also, we need cheap headbands (Dollar Store) to make bear ears (300 headbands--one for each student). This will be a great time for both students and families!
HMM is participating in 2 Community outreach programs:
* STEVE'S COATS FOR KIDS: please bring new or gently used coats to be donated for those in need.
* LOAVES & FISHES FOOD DRIVE: please bring non perishable foods to be donated to the Loaves & Fishes food bank.
We continue to hear from board members and CMS staff alike that our letters and phone calls are being heard- as a result, progress is being made!
Please continue to contact and follow up with board members and CMS staff to urge them to:
· Commit to adding 9th grade in 2016
· Make the 2017 location a priority for the capital needs assessment that begins this December
The more we speak up, the more they listen. Let’s keep at it!
Come Support Our Girls on the Run Team!
Show your HMM school spirit by joining our girls for the actual Girls on the Run 5K which will be held on Saturday, December 5 at 9:00am at Blythe Elementary School in Huntersville. I will never forget my own daughters first season in Girls on the Run. She was nearing the finish line and getting tired but then she heard, "Go Kathleen" from Mr. Byers. The look on her face was priceless! And, she found additional energy to keep going. Your presence means a lot to the girls and shows the rest of the CMS world that Highland Mill Montessori stands behinds its students and we ROCK! Make signs, bring noise makers, or just show up. We'd love to see you on the course or at the finish line.
Thank you and we hope to see you at either the practice 5K and/or the Girls on the Run 5K in December!
Coach Mary
SLT (Student Leadership Team) Meetings
Join the SLT at their monthly meetings every 3rd Thursday at 8am. The group gets together and discusses student/school decisions that are important to not only the school but our students as well. All parents are welcome!
HMM has two Spirit Rocks available for painting! If you'd like to paint the Spirit Rock, you must first check to see if the date is available on the Spirit Rock calendar here. If your date is available, then please fill out this form and send in $10 to HMM PTA. Once the money is received, the PTA will reserve the date on the calendar. Can’t wait to see all your beautiful Spirit Rock creations!
Text Reminding from the PTA
Do you feel like you are forgetting important dates for HMM and the PTA? Days off? Deadlines? Events? YES???? Then join the HMM Text reminding! Just text 81010 with the message @hmmpta. or click this link! Just another way to join the HMM Community!
Join the HMM Community
If you are interested in joining the PTA and helping support HMM please contact the PTA directly at[email protected]. If you have already expressed this interest, your committee chair should have contacted you-if they have not, please email us so that we can make sure the information we have is correct. REMEMBER- you do not have to be at the school to help! There is a role for everyone!. We look forward to growing the PTA family so that our children can have the best year yet!
Parent Education
Check out this Facebook Group where HMM parents are sharing Montessori information and resources. Also, take a look at and follow the parent-created HMM Pinterest Board for Montessori activities you can do at home!
Support our school by shopping on Amazon
Now you can support our school by shopping on Amazon! Make your purchases through this link: and our school will get back a percentage. You can use your existing Amazon username and password. It's super easy and just in time for the holiday shopping!!
Give Back to HMM by Shopping
There are several ways you can support our school, just by shopping. Link your Target REDcard, VIC Card (you can do this online if you have your card with you-it's easy!) or BiLo Bonus Card to our school and automatically donate a percentage of your purchases. Also, visit for another way to support our school each time you shop.
How Do I Keep in Touch with the PTA?
o Bookmark our website:
o Friend us on Facebook: Highland Mill Montessori PTA
o Join Remind: Text 424.203.0478 with the message @hmmpta
Save the Date
November 24- JumpJam Spirit Night at Defy Gravity
November 24-PJ Day!
November 25-27- NO SCHOOL
DECEMBER 7-11- Scholastic Book Fair
DECEMBER 10- Holiday Performance
The hustle and bustle of the holidays has snuck up on us. School breaks, family and friends, and holiday busyness are starting. In our family we take the time to reflect....What are we thankful for? What are some things we want to improve on in the coming year? What can we do for others in our day to day lives? What are some of the things you do for the holidays? Tune into facebook and post...who knows...maybe your family will find a new tradition!
Great job to all HMM students and families for their participation in the annual fundraiser! Because we have exceeded our goal, all students will be able to enjoy a school wide pajama day on November 24th! GREAT JOB!!!!
The HMM JumpJam Spirit Night is this Tuesday, 11/24 from 6-7pm at DefyGravity Charlotte. Pre-purchased tickets were sent home last week. If you paid for tickets and have not yet received them, please email [email protected]ASAP. Reminder: no tickets will be sold at the door. We'll see you there!
December 7-11th at HMM. Come out and get some holiday shopping done! Volunteers needed! contact[email protected] if you are available any time!
The HMM holiday performance is December 10, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. Students need to arrive no later than 6:15 p.m. and report to their teacher's classroom. If students are getting make-up that night, they should start arriving around 5:30 p.m. Costume information is in the announcement. Also, we need cheap headbands (Dollar Store) to make bear ears (300 headbands--one for each student). This will be a great time for both students and families!
HMM is participating in 2 Community outreach programs:
* STEVE'S COATS FOR KIDS: please bring new or gently used coats to be donated for those in need.
* LOAVES & FISHES FOOD DRIVE: please bring non perishable foods to be donated to the Loaves & Fishes food bank.
We continue to hear from board members and CMS staff alike that our letters and phone calls are being heard- as a result, progress is being made!
Please continue to contact and follow up with board members and CMS staff to urge them to:
· Commit to adding 9th grade in 2016
· Make the 2017 location a priority for the capital needs assessment that begins this December
The more we speak up, the more they listen. Let’s keep at it!
Come Support Our Girls on the Run Team!
Show your HMM school spirit by joining our girls for the actual Girls on the Run 5K which will be held on Saturday, December 5 at 9:00am at Blythe Elementary School in Huntersville. I will never forget my own daughters first season in Girls on the Run. She was nearing the finish line and getting tired but then she heard, "Go Kathleen" from Mr. Byers. The look on her face was priceless! And, she found additional energy to keep going. Your presence means a lot to the girls and shows the rest of the CMS world that Highland Mill Montessori stands behinds its students and we ROCK! Make signs, bring noise makers, or just show up. We'd love to see you on the course or at the finish line.
Thank you and we hope to see you at either the practice 5K and/or the Girls on the Run 5K in December!
Coach Mary
SLT (Student Leadership Team) Meetings
Join the SLT at their monthly meetings every 3rd Thursday at 8am. The group gets together and discusses student/school decisions that are important to not only the school but our students as well. All parents are welcome!
HMM has two Spirit Rocks available for painting! If you'd like to paint the Spirit Rock, you must first check to see if the date is available on the Spirit Rock calendar here. If your date is available, then please fill out this form and send in $10 to HMM PTA. Once the money is received, the PTA will reserve the date on the calendar. Can’t wait to see all your beautiful Spirit Rock creations!
Text Reminding from the PTA
Do you feel like you are forgetting important dates for HMM and the PTA? Days off? Deadlines? Events? YES???? Then join the HMM Text reminding! Just text 81010 with the message @hmmpta. or click this link! Just another way to join the HMM Community!
Join the HMM Community
If you are interested in joining the PTA and helping support HMM please contact the PTA directly at[email protected]. If you have already expressed this interest, your committee chair should have contacted you-if they have not, please email us so that we can make sure the information we have is correct. REMEMBER- you do not have to be at the school to help! There is a role for everyone!. We look forward to growing the PTA family so that our children can have the best year yet!
Parent Education
Check out this Facebook Group where HMM parents are sharing Montessori information and resources. Also, take a look at and follow the parent-created HMM Pinterest Board for Montessori activities you can do at home!
Support our school by shopping on Amazon
Now you can support our school by shopping on Amazon! Make your purchases through this link: and our school will get back a percentage. You can use your existing Amazon username and password. It's super easy and just in time for the holiday shopping!!
Give Back to HMM by Shopping
There are several ways you can support our school, just by shopping. Link your Target REDcard, VIC Card (you can do this online if you have your card with you-it's easy!) or BiLo Bonus Card to our school and automatically donate a percentage of your purchases. Also, visit for another way to support our school each time you shop.
How Do I Keep in Touch with the PTA?
o Bookmark our website:
o Friend us on Facebook: Highland Mill Montessori PTA
o Join Remind: Text 424.203.0478 with the message @hmmpta
Save the Date
November 24- JumpJam Spirit Night at Defy Gravity
November 24-PJ Day!
November 25-27- NO SCHOOL
DECEMBER 7-11- Scholastic Book Fair
DECEMBER 10- Holiday Performance