We are all settling into the routine of school! Classroom visits have started and teaching is in full swing! Here's a challenge to our HMM Parents: visit our Facebook page and post your favorite HMM moment so far this year! Was it the first day of school? or maybe them falling asleep on the way home after a long day? Right after you pick them up from an activity? or just watching them work hard on works either at school or at home? READY...SET...POST!
HMM Spirit Night THIS WEDNESDAY at Hawthorne's
Make it a family night out this Wednesday and join us between 4-8pm at Hawthorne's Pizza for our first HMM Spirit Night of the school year. Visit the 7Th Street or Highland Creek locations, mention the HMM Spirit Night when ordering and Hawthorne's will donate 15% of all receipt sales back to our school. Delicious pizza, time with friends and money earned for our school--it's a win-win-win!!.
Hey Grandparents, thanks for your support!
A big THANK YOU to all the grandparents who attended the Grandparents' Breakfast on October 8Th. We had a huge turnout and lots of fun eating, crafting and enjoying the photo booth. For those grandparents who stopped by the photo booth but didn't have their cameras on hand, follow this link to view and order your snapshot(s) from the breakfast.
HMM has two Spirit Rocks available for painting! If you'd like to paint the Spirit Rock, you must first check to see if the date is available on the Spirit Rock calendar here. If your date is available, then please fill out this form and send in $10 to HMM PTA. Once the money is received, the PTA will reserve the date on the calendar. Can’t wait to see all your beautiful Spirit Rock creations!
Text Reminding from the PTA
Do you feel like you are forgetting important dates for HMM and the PTA? Days off? Deadlines? Events? YES???? Then join the HMM Text reminding! Just text 81010 with the message @hmmpta. or click this link! Just another way to join the HMM Community!
Join the HMM Community
If you are interested in joining the PTA and helping support HMM please contact the PTA directly at [email protected]. If you have already expressed this interest, your committee chair should have contacted you-if they have not, please email us so that we can make sure the information we have is correct. REMEMBER- you do not have to be at the school to help! There is a role for everyone!. We look forward to growing the PTA family so that our children can have the best year yet!
Parent Education
Check out this Facebook Group where HMM parents are sharing Montessori information and resources. Also, take a look at and follow the parent-created HMM Pinterest Board for Montessori activities you can do at home!
Support our school by shopping on Amazon
Now you can support our school by shopping on Amazon! Make your purchases through this link: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/56-2052326 and our school will get back a percentage. You can use your existing Amazon username and password. It's super easy and just in time for the holiday shopping!!
Give Back to HMM by Shopping
There are several ways you can support our school, just by shopping. Link your Target REDcard, VIC Card (you can do this online if you have your card with you-it's easy!) or BiLo Bonus Card to our school and automatically donate a percentage of your purchases. Also, visit www.Shoparoo.com for another way to support our school each time you shop.
How Do I Keep in Touch with the PTA?
o Bookmark our website: www.highlandmillmontessoripta.weebly.com
o Friend us on Facebook: Highland Mill Montessori PTA
o Join Remind: Text 424.203.0478 with the message @hmmpta
Save the Date
October 21- 1st SPIRIT NIGHT: Hawthorne's Pizza (7Th st location and Highland Creek Location)
October 23- NO SCHOOL
November 11-NO SCHOOL
November 14- Parents' Night Out at Free Range Brewery
November 20- Donuts w/Dads: 8am-9am at HMM
November 24- JumpJam Spirit Night at Defy Gravity
November 25-27- NO SCHOOL